40 Lessons By 40


It’s true this Dirty Girl Is officially turned 40 !!

I have the all the battle scars to prove it! The truth is, I really would not have changed a thing. Each and every high has allowed me true joy and every low low has taught me a valuable lesson. I’m sure there are many more of both to come! I will definitely be sipping the good champagne from here on out, Here is a few good lessons Il be bringing with me.


  1. Don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about you. Give a fuck what you think about yourself.

  2. Be kind. Even if you don’t want to.

  3. Breathe. Meditate. Be still. Pause. Quiet your mind. You will be able to hear your intuition. Your intuition is always guiding you.

  4. Be patient. It takes time to align the things that you desire. Especially if they are to be sustainable.

  5. People will come into your life for a season. That’s ok.

  6. Treasure your true friendships. The ones that know you for you!! Especially the ones that know where the bodies are buried.

  7. If it feels to heavy to carry. Let it go.

  8. Invest in a good skin care routine. Don’t stick needles in your face. Wash off your makeup at night and get facials often.

  9. There are miracles all around us. You will have to be present to notice them.

  10. Once someone touches your heart. You will always have love for them.

  11. You can forgive without resolve.

  12. Invest early and often. Get the 401k. Money market accounts, life insurance and real estate. Don’t spend money on dumb shit.

  13. Repeat after me...Yes you can!!!

  14. If you want something bad enough and it’s with good intent. The universe will align you with it as long as you get out of your own way. Be patient

  15. Children are our greatest teachers. Listen and learn from them.

  16. Be in nature as often as possible!

  17. Travel. Learn from other cultures. See new places. Experience life from new perspective.

  18. Listen more. Speak less

  19. Your not Responsible for what happens to you. You are responsible for how you react.

  20. Getting old doesn’t suck. Love the wrinkles. Love the rolls. Love yourself more. Your perfectly made to be YOU!

  21. When someone comes to you with a challenge. Don’t excuse away your behavior. Listen, acknowledge their feelings and offer a solution.

  22. Take your health into your own hands. Be preventive in your care. Get massages, acupuncture and body work done regularly.

  23. Do more of what you love.

  24. Learn from people that don’t think like you. Ask more questions.

  25. Call your parents and tell them thank you often if you have that luxury.

  26. Comparison is a killer of creativity. Be cautious what you feed yourself.

  27. It’s ok you not answer right away.

  28. Put yourself in rooms and around people that make you feel uncomfortable.

  29. People talk shit. That’s says more about them then it does you. Let it go.

  30. Be committed to growth. Not perfection.

  31. The past is done ,let it be there. The future hasn’t happened yet and not even promised. Live in the present moment.

  32. There is nothing better than good food and good wine with good friends.

  33. Celebrate the small stuff.

  34. People are all dealing with their own shit. If you need something from someone. Communicate!

  35. Read more, write more, challenge your thinking.

  36. Laughing is the best medicine. Treat yourself often.

  37. You are designed for greatness. Own that shit.!

  38. Cherish your family.

  39. Say what you mean. Mean what you say.

  40. The key to happiness is simple. Be grateful.

    Feel free to give an AMEN if ya feel me!!


No Heat Styling- Braids


Peace, Love, and Happiness Ride in Style